The course is over 4 full days, with the fourth day being an optional review day for attendees to check and discuss progress.
First Day: BBKA Microscopy and Bee Anatomy Introduction
- The day covers an introduction and overview of the Honeybee anatomy and Microscopy, including
- A general overview of the Honeybee Anatomy
- An understanding of the uses and benefits of Compound and Stereo Microscopes
- A review of the various Microscopy study approaches and equipment involved
- Microscope practical work
- An overview, including
- recommendations of reading matter and other to better prepare for the second and third days
- equipment advice for the more enthusiastic attendees who might wish to purchase their own microscope and dissection tools all at sensible prices.
- The day should act as a recap to those with some previous experience, and attempt to bring everyone attending the next days to a similar level of understanding.
Second and Third Days: BBKA Microscopy and Bee Anatomy Training
- The two days provide suitable training to progress attendees to a BBKA Microscopy level of expertise, including next stage training in
- Overview of the BBKA Microscopy Syllabus.
- Understanding the Honeybee Anatomy, studying pollen, and checking disease.
- Appreciating the use of, and practical work with Compound and Stereo Microscopes and associated tools and materials.
- An overview of the preparation work required for the BBKA Microscopy.
- The aim is for attendees to gain a significant level of training to equip them to progress on in the field of Microscopy, and if interested, to be able to progress the preparation work necessary to take the examination for the BBKA Microscopy Certificate
- Optional Fourth Day: BBKA Microscopy Review and Practice
- The day provides a recap of the syllabus, and an opportunity for attendees to discuss how they have progressed to date, and for those planning to take the examination for the BBKA Microscopy certificate to discuss their preparation work.
- Syllabus and examination recap
- Review of their preparation work with attendees
- Question, answer, and demonstration on any areas requiring clarifying and/or covering in more depth.
- The day provides a recap of the syllabus, and an opportunity for attendees to discuss how they have progressed to date, and for those planning to take the examination for the BBKA Microscopy certificate to discuss their preparation work.